Leopold L.

Dear Dr. Woodchuck,

     Ever since I started the first grade, I get really, really bad stomachaches. Sometimes I get headaches, too. I feel like I'm always in Ms. Bougainvillea's office. My mom says it's just a case of 'bad nerves' but I don't know if that's really true. What do you think?


Leopold L.

Dear Leopold,  

     Starting something new can be really scary. I remember having the same bad stomachaches when I first started my bowling league. Sometimes we get so worried about what has happened in the past or what can happen in the future, that we forget to practice our big balloon breaths and just stay in the moment. The more you practice relaxing and being in the moment, the less you will feel that nervousness in your body.

     This worksheet might also be helpful to keep track of how worried you are every day. 


Dear Dr. Woodchuck,

     Lately, my stomachaches on the way to school have gotten even worse and I can't help but cry when my mom drops me off in the morning. Mr. Wooley notices it and Ms. Noodle tries to help me but the stomachaches are so bad that I spend half the morning in Ms. Bougainvillea's office. I thought that by talking to you every week I wouldn't feel this way anymore! What do I do?   


Leopold L. 

Dear Leopold,

     It makes a lot of sense why your stomachaches have gotten worse and why you are crying when your mom drops you off at school. When you first start talking to a therapist, it can actually feel a lot worse before it gets better since you're bringing up things that you maybe haven't talked about before. Hang in there and keep practicing your big balloon breaths while being in the moment.


Dear Dr. Woodchuck,

     This morning I was crying when I said goodbye to my mom, and George walked by and called me a baby. I wanted to tell Ms. Noodle or Mr. Norbit but I was worried that would really make me a baby...


Leopold L.

Dear Leopold,

     You are not a baby for crying and you would definitely not be a baby for telling Ms. Noodle, Mr. Norbit, or any other adult that George was bothering you. People think that showing sadness or fear is babyish. In my opinion, it is quite brave to show your feelings and emotions.


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