George G.

Dear Dr. Woodchuck,

     Sometimes I get so angry, I just want to punch a hole through my wall. The anger makes me really scared. Is that normal? 


George G.

Dear George,

     A lot of children (and even adults!) have a tough time controlling their anger so you're definitely not alone. Sometimes it can be helpful to punch a pillow or pound clay when you're feeling angry. If this makes your anger worse, imagine a place that makes you feel calm while you are practicing your big balloon breaths. Once you find a way to make your anger go down, it will definitely feel a lot less scary. 

     Here is a worksheet that will help you find other things to do when you're feeling angry.


Dear Dr. Woodchuck,

     My parents are really proud of my brother, Ralph, and are always really disappointed in me. It stinks to be the bad son...


George G.

Dear George,

     It seems like your parents are used to giving Ralph positive attention and giving you negative attention. If we work on changing that pattern where you do more positive things and your parents praise you for that, you will no longer feel like the 'bad son.'


Dear Dr. Woodchuck,

     I got really angry and started yelling super loud in the library when Mr. Oglethorpe wouldn't let me check out a book just 'cause I didn't return last week's book. Why does everyone always pick on me?


George G.

Dear George,

      It must be really upsetting to feel like all these adults are picking on you. I know the rule at the school library is that you cannot check out a new book until you return the one you borrowed. While it might seem you are being picked on, Mr. Oglethorpe follows this rule with all students at Rodentia Elementary School.


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