Roger R.

Dear Dr. Woodchuck, 

     Everyone in my class always gets annoyed with me when I talk out of turn. Mrs. Bookbinder says I need to practice being patient, which can be really hard sometimes...


Roger R.

Dear Roger,

     I work with a lot of kids who have trouble waiting their turn. Some of them tell me it's really helpful to count while they are waiting. Others say they like to think of their favorite songs while they wait their turn. If Mrs. Bookbinder is okay with it, have her let you know exactly how long you have to wait- watching the clock can be a good way to distract yourself while you are waiting.

     This worksheet might also help you when you're having a hard time taking turns.


Dear Dr. Woodchuck,

     I'm trying to be patient and not talk when others are talking- I really am! It's just super hard for me. Do you have any other tips?


Roger R.

Dear Roger,

     I'm proud of you for trying to be patient- it can be really tough sometimes! When I want to talk and it's not my turn, I tell myself to stop for a few seconds before saying anything. Then, I try to think about what I want to say instead of just saying everything that's in my head. It's really, really hard, but with practice you will definitely get better at it. Keep up the good work!


Dear Dr. Woodchuck,

     I got in big trouble today with Mrs. Bookbinder when I started talking during Ollie's presentation on rodents. I really didn't mean to interrupt- I just wanted to share some of the stuff I knew...


Roger R.

Dear Roger,

     I know it can be really hard not to talk out of turn, and I'm sure you had some great information to share with the class. Remember, you can always write down what you want to say and wait until it's a better time to share so that you don't get in trouble with Mrs. Bookbinder.


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