Philomena P.

Dear Dr. Woodchuck,

     I'm having a hard time falling asleep at night. I usually have to watch two hours of T.V. until I can finally fall asleep. Any tips?


Philomena P.

Dear Philomena, 

     NO MORE T.V. BEFORE BEDTIME! Bright lights at night get in the way of our body's natural, daily rhythm. Try to turn off all screens (i.e. iPhone, iPad, computers) at least one hour before you want to fall asleep. 

     This worksheet might also help you feel less worried at night.


Dear Dr. Woodchuck,

     I know you said I shouldn't watch T.V. at night, but it's really hard not to. I love watching T.V. and my thoughts are racing when I'm not watching my favorite shows...


Philomena P.

Dear Philomena,

I can understand how hard it must be not to watch your favorite shows and try to quiet your mind at night. As much as you might think the T.V. is helping you, the bright light of the screen could really be keeping you up! Instead of watching T.V., I like to practice big balloon breaths right before bed and focus on my breathing. It's really hard to do at first because other thoughts come into my mind, but the more I practice the better I get at it.      


Dear Dr. Woodchuck,

     Mr. Sneely got upset with me today because I fell asleep during class. I guess I shouldn't have been up all night watching T.V., but I just couldn't get my brain to slow down. Help!


Philomena P.

Dear Philomena,

     If you would like, I can talk to Mr. Sneely about how you might be sleepy during class because you have trouble falling asleep at night. It's still important to find other ways to slow down your brain when you want to go to sleep. Sometimes, I like to read a book when I have trouble falling asleep. Maybe you can ask Mr. Oglethorpe to help you find a good book to read instead of watching T.V. tonight. 


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