Alfred A.

Dear Dr. Woodchuck,

    Whenever Ms. Moops asks me to do something, I get angry and don't want to do it. Then I get in trouble and she sends me to Mr. Hamberger's office. Any suggestions?


Alfred A.

Dear Alfred, 

    Besides anger, I wonder if there are other feelings you might be having that you just don't know about. If you keep getting into trouble, you might want to ask your parents to take you to see a therapist for individual therapy. It is always helpful to talk to someone about whatever is on your mind.


Dear Dr. Woodchuck,

     I spent yesterday at Mr. Hamberger's office for bothering Morris during class. I tried to stop myself, but I justcouldn't help it. Does this make me a bad kid, Doc?


Alfred A.

Dear Alfred,

     It definitely does not make you a bad kid! Sometimes we might do things that are not right, but that does not make us 'bad.' Keep opening up in your therapy sessions and talk about what is bothering you, Alfred. The more you talk about your feelings and emotions, the less you're going to get into trouble at school.

     Here is worksheet that might help you from getting into as much trouble.


Dear Dr. Woodchuck,

     I got in trouble today for telling Morris he looked like he ate a horse. Okay, maybe that wasn't the nicest thing to say...But he has gotten a lot bigger!     


Alfred A.

Dear Alfred,

     A lot of times we have no idea what is going on in someone else's life. It sounds like you were just trying to point out something to Morris, but it's also important to know how our words can affect others and that everyone is dealing with their own stuff.


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