Clyde C.

Dear Dr. Woodchuck,

     My teacher, Ms. Moops, keeps telling me I need to finish one thing before I jump into something else. I told her I can't help but jump around from one thing to another. What do I do, Doc?


Clyde C.

Dear Clyde,

     Sometimes when I have trouble focusing on one task, I make the task a lot smaller so it doesn't seem so overwhelming. If it's okay with Ms. Moops, maybe she can break up a worksheet into smaller parts instead of giving you one very long worksheet. When you're at home, try to break up your homework into smaller parts so you know there's an end in sight.

     This worksheet will help you practice breaking up a task into smaller parts.


Dear Dr. Woodchuck,

     I've been trying to do my homework in smaller parts, but it's still really hard not to jump around from one thing to another...Any suggestions?


Clyde C.

Dear Clyde,

     I'm proud of you for trying to break up your homework into smaller parts- you should be very proud of yourself as well! It might be helpful to also set a timer for yourself to complete each of the smaller parts of your homework assignment. When the timer rings and you are done with that part, you can move on to the next part.


Dear Dr. Woodchuck, 

    I did my classwork in smaller parts today and Ms. Moops was really proud of me and gave me a gold star. Then Alfred said I was a teacher's pet. I just want to do the right thing. Help!


Clyde C.

Dear Clyde,

     You did do the right thing! People are not always going to be happy with us for some reason or another and that's okay. As long as you know you are doing the right thing, that is all that matters.


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