Winston W.

Dear Dr. Woodchuck,

     I can't help but lose my temper with everyone- my friends, my parents...even my teacher, Mrs. Bookbinder! People don't want to be around me anymore. Help!          


Winston W.

Dear Winston,

    Sometimes we lose our temper when we are hungry, tired, or both hungry and tired. Try to check in with your body to see if that might be the case when you're feeling angry. Other times we might lose our temper when there is a change and we don't expect it or when we feel like we don't have a choice. If you notice these are some reasons why you lose your temper, let your parents know! If it's still hard to control your temper, it might be helpful to meet with a therapist to talk about what might be underneath all the anger.

     Here is a worksheet that's all about things that can make you angry.


Dear Dr. Woodchuck,

     I lost my temper pretty bad today when my mom started cleaning up my toys while I was still playing with them. Anyway, now I'm grounded until Saturday. This stinks.


Winston W.

Dear Winston,

     Being grounded does stink. I know it bothers you when your mom cleans up your toys, but it sounds like maybe she's just trying to help. When you are feeling calmer, maybe you can let her know that you would rather play with your toys and clean up by yourself when you are done. I know it can be hard not to get mad, Winston- remember, you can always go back and talk things through when you are feeling less angry. 


Dear Dr. Woodchuck,

     I got angry in class today and ripped the edge off Ollie's homework. It really wasn't a big deal, but she got all bent out of shape 'cause she's such a perfectionist so Mrs. Bookbinder said I couldn't go out for recess. Sheesh.


Winston W.

Dear Winston,

     It might not seem like a ripped piece of a paper is a big deal to you, but it sounds like it was a really big deal for Ollie. Ripping paper is an excellent idea when you are feelingangry. Just be sure it's the right time to do it and it's not someone else's homework.


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