Profile: Fred F.

Common Name: Monkey

Scientific Name: Pan troglodytes

Age: 6 (in monkey years)

Weight: 55 lbs.

Height: 42 inches

Occupation: 1st Grade Student at Rodentia Elementary School

Symptoms: difficulty playing quietly, fidgets a lot, trouble staying seated, climbs and jumps when it is not allowed

About Fred F.

Fred F. lives with his parents and older brother in a town next door to Rodentia, USA. Fred and his older brother often get into arguments because Fred is always getting into his older brother's stuff. It's not that Fred is trying to annoy his older brother...He just finds his toys a lot more interesting than his own. Fred has always had a difficult time sitting still and his parents often get mad at him for not playing quietly by himself.

Fred's teacher, Mr. Norbit, has told Fred many times that he needs to sit in his seat and not move around so much. As much as Fred tries to do this, he has a hard time sitting still at school as well. Mr. Norbit and Dr. Woodchuck have found that Fred sometimes needs to take breaks by stretching his legs and moving around when he gets fidgety. 

Fred likes to run around the house in his red cape and pretend he is Superman. He also loves to eat banana splits.    

Worksheet 1: Fred F.

© 2019 Ask Dr Woodchuck 
