Dr. Haleh Massey is a licensed clinical psychologist and marriage and family therapist and shares a private practice in the suburbs of Los Angeles with her husband/BFF, Chris Massey, LMFT. In an effort to promote herself on social media without having her clients find her, Dr. Massey shadows as Dr. Wood E. Woodchuck, LMFT, LMNOP, a dapper school psychologist/rodent at Rodentia Elementary School in Rodentia, USA.
In addition to marrying her husband/BFF and having two beautiful children, Dr. Massey’s lifelong dream has been: 1) to have an unlimited supply of turkey sandwiches and, 2) become a published children’s book author. While she’s still working on the first dream (any/all deli partnership inquiries welcome), her debut middle grade graphic novel, Say Something, Poupeh Babaee! illustrated by Ghazal Qadri, comes out by Yellow Jacket in Summer ‘25.